Uchenna, Writer, Engineering Student

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Poem prompt: Shadow

Another two faced figure, ideology, or a concept.
Whatever you wish, no interpretation is set
in stone; each, his own, and free to explore
the various options and open all the doors--
and the funny part?
Each of those pieces of wood
will have shadows of their own as we would.
So is this amazing word with a million meanings
summed up as following, mindless being?
In a way, yes.
It attaches itself to an already existing item
and it bends and twists to follow them
like a mindless follower
who still bends the rules. It follows a
thing, person, animal, whatever,
it doesn't pick who. Just whoever
happens to be under the sun at the time.
So the sun dictates its life?
Yeah, sure, that's right.

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