Uchenna, Writer, Engineering Student

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Does Money Influence Us?

"Money affects everything."
Sad, but true. Money does kind of dictate our lives in several areas. From where we're born to the opportunities we have, even to the way we view life. It does take its effect. Psychologically, being financially stable can put your mind at ease. Not worrying about whether or not you can pay bills and continuing on in life helps. Financial security can even be a little confidence booster. Knowing that as an individual you're able to comfortably support yourself is self-assuring. However, as one gets richer, it's important to not watch your income grow in vain. That egotistical, prideful, filthy rich person could break out at any moment if too much emphasis is put on making money.
On the flip side, living paycheck to paycheck can stress a person out. They become scrappier, more focused on affording their own living. Being so low on funds also affects one's views on opportunities. When a person feels that they can barely even pay for their own home or food, it's easy for them to feel that striving for any sort of opportunity is out of their budget. It easily traps them in a secure but dead-end job.
Nonetheless, the key factors for no matter what situation you're in are hope and determination. Even those who'd consider themselves dirt poor can set goals for themselves, work hard, and improve their lives drastically. Yes, it'll be more of a struggle to reach where their wealthier counterparts are, but it's possible when enough effort is put in. And, it's very possible for someone in the 1% to get too comfortable and blow all their all money. Financial status is important. It aids family members, helps achieve dreams and goals, educates people, and expands our societies as a whole.
And, the best thing about today's society, is that we can benefit from each other. Before the industrial movement, everything was about claiming more land, planting more crops, and selling more goods. With this method, the more one thrived, the more others suffered. There was a certain amount of land wealth, and you had to take to gain.
In today's society, we're more focused on technological developments. More experts, more inventions, more ways to improve and ease our day-to-day lives. This requires as many brains and funds as possible being put towards a singular effort to benefit the world. This, however, means more people need to be educated, freed, and given the same privileges others enjoy to succeed. Meaning that today, helping people who are struggling doesn't exactly mean taking from yourself, but rather giving to the world.
So yes, money affects us drastically. But lucky for us, how, has shifted with the world's development.

Money Affects Everything. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://thesavvylife.com/money-affects-everything-2/

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