Uchenna, Writer, Engineering Student

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Existing is...weird, to say the least. For as long as you can remember, you've always been there. Anything before you first opened your eyes is like a distant past. It feels like it must've been a million years ago. But for anyone in my generation, Gen Z, you straight up didn't exist just thirty years ago. And give it sixty, seventy years, and you'll simply stop.
What happens after you die? Do you imagine blackness? Everyone in pain and distressed? Honestly, we all do. Deep down, we all hope that even the moment we walk out of a room, everyone starts to miss us. But as time moves on, you'll notice only certain people miss your presence. And even then, after a while, they get over it. Life moves on--with or without you.
So then, if life has existed for hundreds of thousands of years before you, and it'll continue for hundreds of thousands without, what are you? A small speck of existence, in one tiny body, limited to only certain actions and areas.
As dreadful as this thought may seem to some people, personally, it can be calming. Honestly, it used to be scare me as well, as I convinced myself to believe this all meant I didn't matter. But--it doesn't. Depending on your definition of "matter", this means either everything matters equally as it'll all disappear, or nothing does.
Let's go with the former first, everything has its purpose and happens for a reason. Meaning every awful thing to ever happen wasn't to punish you per se, but instead to teach you a lesson and strengthen you. Every milestone in your life, good or bad, was actually a stepping stone for you to live your best life. And the better your life is, the better the lives of those around you. Just by being happier, you're laying out a path for your offspring and those close to you. In turn, the better their lives are, the more they spread the same joy. The cycle repeats and we've brightened the lives of all humanity slowly but surely.
Moving on to the latter, where everything and all traces of it will one day vanish to nothing. Okay, fine. But look at it this way, if in the end nothing matters, then what's there to worry about? If wealth doesn't matter, what's the point in stretching yourself thin for it? If every little mistake will one day be forgotten, why then stress over them? If everyone who's ever brought you pain, will one day be erased, why obsess over them? If nothing actually matters, and you have no purpose, then why not make up your own? Pick what you want to do, find what makes you happy, and smile your way through a finite existence because everything that could possibly make you upset doesn't have to matter.

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