Uchenna, Writer, Engineering Student

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wasting Time

Time is a funny thing.

Back in July, I wrote another time-related Turtle Thought titled Procrastination. At the time, it was probably the most heartfelt thing I had up on my blog. Since then, I've learned to be more emotionally charged with my posts. Particularly my thoughts. Sometimes I look at my older and newer posts, and depending on which ones I grab, I see certain points of growth, fall, and plateau. And all I can think is: imagine what will happen with more time.
Time is just...everywhere.
I've written about it before, I am again, and I will yet again.
Time, in a way, dictates every moment of our lives. Yet it remains so difficult to keep up. Running late is such a common thing, we end up pushing ourselves to attempt to stay ahead of time. Though, that really isn't possible. If it's 5:30 then it's 5:30. It doesn't matter if you're supposed to be somewhere by 6:00, and you're there by 5:30, that's still a whole half hour doing nothing but waiting. So in a way, you're wasting time. But in a more obvious way, waiting til the last minute to get ready is still wasting time. However, you could always argue that you were doing something even more important, thus the event itself is wasting time. Well then, what's important? School? Work? What about leisure time? Resting? Communication? What if none of these things are important? So then, we'd constantly be wasting time.
We are. Everything we do, everything we say, all our effort and struggle, could one day mean nothing. And if we're lucky, we may be able to start something, and one day in a century or two be underappreciated in history classes. All of this, will one day poof. So yes, we are wasting time. We always are, because what else is there to do? But then, is it particularly a bad thing?
If you "waste" your life away, doing something you love, what does it matter then? Even dedicating your days to things considered productive, you'll still die one day with a limited impact. Wouldn't you rather enjoy this time you're tossing away?
Honestly, this is a similar point to the one I made in Existing, another Thought. This could even be seen as a sort of extension to it. I just find it ridiculous how so many people attempt to tell you how to live your life, when really, nothing you do really matters in the end. Nothing anyone says is really all that important to you unless you let be. What you do yourself is only as only as important as you make it. So then, is it really wasting time to lie back and relax? If that's what makes you happy, go for it. If you have a big dream that you're willing to work hard and strive for, aim for it. So what if you're wasting time? In your eyes, it's wasting time wisely, isn't it?

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