Uchenna, Writer, Engineering Student

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fourth Lovely

The next morning, I woke up to screams. They were the screams of an eight-year-old accompanied with a teenager's maniacal laughing. Once I recognized them, I frowned and tried to curl back into my sheets, ignoring them both. I squeezed my eyes, desperately trying to shut out the noise. To my dismay, I instead received several dings in my phone. Drowsily, I rolled over and turned it on.
Nicolette: Hi! Just wanted to know if you were free today! 6 maybe? We can do dinner! I know it's soon, but it looks like I'll be busy the rest of the month...
I smiled to myself. Before I even knew what I was doing, my fingers had excitedly typed a response and I looked back onto my screen to see that I'd agreed. Okay then.
Another scream rang through the house so I decided it was time to get up. The sunlight had already settled in around my room and was a clear reminder that I'd already moseyed around in bed too long. Today was the day off I'd been looking forward to for far too long and the last thing I wanted was to even wake up. Still, I pulled back the covers, threw on a shirt, slipped on a pair of socks and trudged my way downstairs. 
From the door frame, I looked onto the kitchen and set my eyes on the morning-of-my-day-off nightmare. The kitchen was a small, box-like room with no doors that led into both the living room and front hall. It was framed with white bricks, which I couldn't even see through the thick smoke clouding the room. Both windows were open, allowing some to escape, but three waffle makers were up and running--and creating more smoke. A bowl of waffle batter was set on the table and was surrounded in a pool of batter spilling over onto the beige tiled floors. Between the counter with the waffle makers and the table with the batter, Gora was cuddled up on the floor as Couro beat him with a wooden spoon and screeched at him. And, through it all, Gora laughed.
"What the hell is going on here!?" They both froze. Couro dropped her spoon and it landed on Gora. He let out a muffled curse word I doubt he knew I heard and glared at her. Under his gaze, Couro broke and ran to me.
Hugging my legs, she sobbed, "Daddy, Gora's bullying me!"
I sighed and picked her up. "From the looks of it, you were bullying him."
"As if," Gora piped up. He scampered onto his feet and shut off the waffle makers. "She wants me to make some stupid bird for her."
"You said you would!" she cried. "And then--! And then he came down and started teasing me!" 
I nodded. "...So you hit him with a spoon." Couro's face went a reddish brown before she buried it in my chest. "You two are siblings. I'm not asking you to be best friends. Just, please try to be nice to each other." Sheepishly, Couro nodded while Gora just rolled his eyes. I put Couro on the floor and walking into the kitchen. "Couro, collect all the dishes and wash them for me. Gora start cleaning the floor. I'll prepare breakfast and then we can scrub the walls afterwards."
Obediently, my little girl got right to work. Gora did as well, just with a little comment. "...Are you trying to clean up quickly?" I held my breath and gave him a small look. "You are."

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